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Our paella was prepared with our Pride of India Spices and Breyani Rice: Pride of India Fish Masala, Pride of India Fish Spice, Pride of India Paprika Powder, Pride of India Sea Salt, Pride of India Saffron and Pride of India Breyani Rice. This dish is full of rich flavours with aromatic spices. Our Breyani Rice is versatile for any rice dish.
Serves 6.
Substitute some of the seafood with chicken/meat and vegetables of your choice.
800g prawns, peeled and deveined
400g mussels, half shell
400g seafood mix of your choice
500g Pride of India Breyani Rice
4 tsp Pride of India Fish Masala
2 tsp Pride of India Fish Spice
2 tsp Pride of India Paprika Powder
6 threads Pride of India Saffron, optional
Pride of India Sea Salt
500ml chicken stock
4 tbsp oil
1 onion, finely sliced
2 tomatoes, grated or blended
1 tbsp crushed garlic
lemon juice of 1 lemon
lemon wedges for serving
Boil Pride of India Breyani Rice half way. Add Pride of India Sea Salt to taste. Strain and set aside.
Heat oil in a large pan. Sauté onion until golden brown.
Add Pride of India Fish Masala, Fish Spice and Paprika Powder. Mix well.
Add crushed garlic and tomatoes. Fry for approximately 1 minute. Add a little water, if necessary.
Add Pride of India Breyani Rice, Saffron and chicken stock. Cook until the chicken stock has reduced half way.
Add prawns, mussels and seafood mix.
Add Pride of India Sea Salt to taste.
Cover pan. Cook until the chicken stock has reduced and the rice & all seafood are fully cooked.